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Principal Bailey greeting middle school students as they enter campus; the new middle school building

A Conversation with Courtney Bailey (CB), middle school principal

How has the new middle school building changed the experience for students?

CB: The new middle school gives kids a sense of ownership, since each grade level has its own floor with its own common area. There is more opportunity for bonding within grade levels, which is so important at this age level.

Bryana K. Tucci's #MeetADiplomat video for the US Embassy Cairo.

Bryana K. Tucci '06 was a "lifer" at CAC, spending all of her school years in a culturally diverse, challenging environment that prepared her well for her current career as a U.S. Foreign Service Officer. We asked Bryana to reflect on one particular CAC memory - her experience as a student in Model United Nations (MUN) and recipient of the Dan Andrews Memorial MUN Scholarship. Here is what she had to share:

memorialGiftArt1When passing through the lobby of the CAC theater, you’ll see CAC’s newest gift of artwork: a stunning glass mosaic. Elhamy Naguib, parent of alumni Camelia ’93, Wanis ’96, and Silvana ’00, created this original piece in memory of his wife Carol, a beloved member of the community, who taught at CAC from 1975-1987.


The CAC Foundation is led by a group of volunteer alumni and parents of alumni who value the education and experience CAC provides. The board currently consists of eight directors, in compliance with the Foundation bylaws. Click here for a list of directors. 



The CAC Foundation exists to provide opportunities for philanthropic giving that will allow CAC to innovate for generations to come. Click here for giving opportunities that can have an impact on the lives of CAC students and families. 



The community of Cairo American College (CAC) - comprising alumni, parents, school employees, and local corporate partners - participates in a dynamic environment where individuals learn, explore, and grow into compassionate global citizens. Read more

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